I guess I'm done modding my Ender 3..... for now
This nice guy from down under Teaching Tech / Youtube has a lot of good videos and I got most inspiration from him.
List of changes and the result of the mod:
- Boot loader the the stock electronics and updated Marlin
- Added cable drag chains to the bed and gantry thing with the Extruder, X axis and hot end thing
- I had no accidentally unplugged Extruder motors since that so yes it helps.
- Replaced the stock part cooling fan and fan duct with a 5050 Petsfang
- way better cooling performance
- not so sure about fan noise
- added these yellow springs
- Not sure if it helped with anything but is was cheap
- Added Stepper Dampers on X and Y
- lowered the noise a little
- Added a BL Touch
- Hell yeah, auto bed leveling.... I will never go back to manual!!!!1!!
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